
About us

Strategic Intelligence & Development Unified (SIDUS) is a company with a Board of Directors.
Etymologically, SIDUS is a Latin word whose homonym in French and English exists. It has several meanings including star, star, celestial sign, new planet, etc. The latter is the first meaning of the name of the company. Beyond that, SIDUS is formed from the initials of the full denomination of the
Firm namely in:
  • English : Strategic Intelligence & Development Unified Society
  • French  : Unified Intelligence and Strategic Development Society
This denomination covers at the same time the profession, the mission and one of the cardinal values of the Firm which is unity.
The logotype also refers to the meaning given to the Firm in terms of values and vision through design and colors. For the colors, the blue symbolizes not only the dream that SIDUS (the planet) inspires for these stakeholders, in particular the customers, but also the serenity that they will have if they integrate it. The color green signifies hope, growth and responsible value sharing by (on the planet) SIDUS.
As for the color orange, it symbolizes the creativity, optimism and security that SIDUS (the planet) brings to its stakeholders. Also, the design goes in the same direction. The blue square symbolizes the planet SIDUS. Growing and more enlightened stars as they ascend towards SIDUS indicate that its stakeholders (stars) will experience growth, responsible value creation.
It is by virtue of all this that the Cabinet's slogan can be summed up as follows: SIDUS, let's go towards a new era! Ere here is in the sense of planet.

BP: 08 BP 11 618 Ouagadougou 08 
(+226)  25 41 44 31 / 71 64 34 20


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